Anna Maria Locke

What to do when you have no energy or motivation

May 2016, 2016Anna Locke

Happy Friday!

The sun is finally out and it's a gorgeous day here in Chicago. I'm camped out at a Starbucks for a couple hours to write before meeting my friend Amanda for a late lunch and our usual Friday adventure. We've been meeting up every week to hang out and explore different areas around the city and it's been great to have some regular face-to-face quality girl time! Even though I'm an introvert and love working from home, I'm learning that I do need regular social interaction or else I start to feel lonely and get caught in my head.

It might be sunny today, but the rest of this week was rainy, dark, gloomy, and my mental energy has been really low. I've been lacking motivation and drive, and it's been a struggle to get up and moving in the mornings.

(In addition to the weather, I know my cycle is still a little wonky since I quit hormonal birth control pills in February, so I think that has something to do with it too).

The Old Me would have freaked out about slacking, beat myself up for failing to crush my early morning workouts, and tried to push through and be productive.

Luckily, the New Me is learning to go with the flow and back off! I know that if I give myself permission to take it easy and rest, my energy will return. I'm embracing the fact that I'm human, not a robot, and especially as a female human my energy does run in a cyclical pattern week to week and month to month.

When we feel off, our bodies are giving us a signal.

The funny thing is that you don't have to be physically tired to feel blah, unmotivated, or lazy. We have several different forms of energy: mental, emotional, and physical, to name a few.

Have you ever noticed that you feel burned out or spacey after a really hard day of getting stuff done or pushing your comfort zone, even if you were sitting in front of a screen the entire time? That's because you used up your mental energy!

Or have you ever felt completely drained after a deep or tough conversation (even if it was good)? Emotional energy: zapped.

Here are some of my tips for bouncing back and recovering your energy when you feel blah!

What to do when your energy is low

1. Identify which bucket of energy you've been using in the past few days: mental, physical, emotional, or a combination.
Have you been waking up early to work out and not getting to bed on time? Have you been going through stress at work, in your relationship, or with your family? Have you been stretching your comfort zone and getting super excited about life lately?

2. Take note of where you're at in your monthly cycle.
The week before your period, you'll feel restless or anxious (oh heyyy PMS), and during your period you'll feel super low energy. This is completely normal, and it's important to recognize! I really love this e-book that relates our cycle to the changing seasons.

3. Take a moment to BACK OFF and touch base with yourself.
Ask yourself "what do I NEED right now?" Brain-dumping your thoughts and feelings into a journal is a great way to tune into your intuition. Be aware of any mental chatter, self-judging thoughts,  internal pressure, or thoughts that begin with the word "should." Tell the chatter thanks but no thanks, I'm going to listen to my heart right now

4. Go with the flow and take action to restore your positive energy.
Deep down, you already know what you need to do to feel better. The trick is to quiet down our mental chatter and let the right answers rise to the surface. Once your intuition tells you what you need, do it! Don't worry about letting people down, finishing your to-do list, or slacking off, because unless you work in the ER or labor and delivery, no one is going to die if you take a moment or even a full day to re-calibrate. If you're taking care of kids as a parent or teacher you have a more complicated role, but you still deserve to put your energy first and the kids will ultimately benefit too.

HERE IS THE SECRET: sometimes inaction is the best action, and you really do need to chill out with your favorite Netflix show, or sit in the sunshine with a book, or ditch the to-do list and meditate for 10  minutes to clear your head. But sometimes if you're just mentally or emotionally tapped, a run outside or a workout will re-invigorate you even if you feel lazy or unmotivated.

Remember this quote...

Intuition + Action before emotion

Don't let your emotions get in the way. If you wait until you "feel motivated," you'll never get anything done. On the other hand, if you feel guilty for being unmotivated, you'll start to bring in even more negative energy.

Touch base with your intuition and take action (or inaction) to feel the way you want to feel!

Whether you need to cut yourself some slack or rise up and do the hard thing, the right answer is inside of you. Consider this your permission slip to tune out the noise and tune into what YOU need :)

xo Anna

Cinco De Mayo Healthy Recipe Round-Up!

May 2016, 2016, Recipe - Main DishAnna Locke
Cinco de Mayo Healthy Recipe Round-Up!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!! This has always been one of my favorite holidays for so many reasons.

1. May is the best month (even if the weather hasn't warmed up yet...)
2. I love tacos and margaritas
3. It's just fun!

We're hosting a party this weekend but I'm definitely going to be whipping up a batch of epic healthy nachos and skinny marg's tonight.

I realized that I've accumulated quite the database of healthy Mexican-inspired recipes from the blog and Instagram over the past couple years, so I figured I'd share some of them with you.


Classic Ground Turkey Tacos

Coat a large skillet with cooking spray and saute 1 chopped red onion and 1 package of ground turkey until cooked.

Add a jar of salsa or diced tomatoes, chili powder (or fave seasonings), and heat through.

Layer on corn tortillas with lettuce, red onion, avocado, and a dollop of Greek yogurt!

Crockpot Salsa Chicken Tacos

This is the easiest crockpot recipe ever! Just combine 1 package chicken and a jar or two of salsa in a crockpot and cook 4-6 hours until the chicken is done. Shred and serve! It's perfect for summer because it doesn't heat up your kitchen.

I made these tacos with black beans, red onion, and cilantro. Nom bomb.

Fish Tacos

Pan sauté some seasoned whitefish (cod or tilapia), then assemble with with slaw, avocado, Greek yogurt, salsa, lime, cilantro, cholula, so good. 

Chicken Fajita Plate

Slice a package of chicken breasts and marinate for 15 mins in lime juice, live oil, 4 chopped garlic cloves, and southwest seasoning.

Sautée bell pepper and onion in a large pan or cast iron grill pan, set aside, then cook the chicken.

Mix a can of black beans with garlic powder and more southwest seasoning (Mrs Dash) and microwaved for 2 mins.

Combine everything on a bed of lettuce and cilantro! NOM!

Taco Salad

Sautee a package of lean ground turkey (or tofu) with a chopped onion and LOTS of taco seasonings.

Combine with veggies of choice (tonight I heated some frozen peppers and fire roasted corn).

Warm up 1-2 cans of black beans with some garlic and chile powder.

In a huge bowl, portion out 1 red of turkey, 1 yellow of beans, and 1-2 greens of veggies. You can also top with avocado or cheese (blue)! For dressing I use lime juice, salsa, hot sauce, and cilantro!


Homemade Skinny Margs

  • 1/2 shot triple sec (or orange liqueur)
  • 1 shot tequila
  • juice of 1/2 lime
  • between 1/4 - 1/2 packet stevia (to taste!)
  • club soda or flavored sparkling water

Pour shots and stevia over ice, stir to dissolve stevia. Add remaining ingredients, fill glass with club soda (about 1/2 cup) enjoy!


Skinny Strawberry-Lime Margaritas

  • 1 shot tequila
  • juice of half a lime
  • stevia to taste
  • sparkling water
  • smashed strawberries

Shake or combine in a glass and enjoy!

xo Anna

Making Me Happy: April Update!

April 2016, 2016Anna Locke

Happy Friday! As we close out April I wanted to take a moment to pause and reflect on what's happening and making me happy right now, because this month has been INCREDIBLE! 

I'm starting to become a strong believer in the idea of marking "fresh starts" by your birthday instead of January 1st. Let's face it, January is the worst possible time to feel motivated and inspired when it's dark, freezing, and all you want to do is hibernate until spring...and it's such an arbitrary marker of time.

Birthday months, however, are magic. (If your birthday is in January, rescind my previous statements!)

Birthdays are where the real fresh starts happen.

In case you can't tell, April is my birthday month!

It's not my favorite month of the year, at least in the midwest, because the bipolar weather drives me CRAZY (we literally went from 40-80 degrees in a 2 day span here in Chicago the other week), but I always feel a sense of new beginnings and energy starting to buzz deep inside of me.

The month began with fun times and FRIENDS!

I hosted a brunch for the local coaches on my team Inspire Joy, and we had a great time bonding, connecting, drinking mimosas, feasting on our fave healthy brunch foods, and watching crazy snow blow horizontally out the window.

April isn't just my birthday. It seems like all my best girlfriends were born this month too!

My best friend Ashley came into town for a weekend with her husband Matt and we met up with some other friends to do Trapped in a Room With a Zombie, which was pretty much what it sounds like -- you're locked in a room and have 60 minutes to solve clues and puzzles to escape, while a zombie tries to eat you. I was voted "most scared of the zombie." What can I say, I'm super gullible and easily frightened, haha!

Then the next weekend, my friend Anna visited and we had an epic girls' brunch at Yolk and a day of shopping on Michigan Ave!

On the fitness front, I've been getting outside to run more (and found an awesome track near our apartment), and started Tony Horton's new bootcamp program, 22 Minute Hard Corps!

I FINALLY convinced Ben to do the program with me. It only took two years of Beachbody coaching to get him on board, but seriously the workouts are only 22 minutes so there's literally no excuse.

We're halfway through the 8 weeks and I'm surprised by how much I love this program! I'll definitely share a review later this month. It has also been super motivating to have Ben doing it with me :)

Despite the random SNOW we've had this month, the flowering trees are finally blooming and it makes me so so so so so so happy. I've been trying to get out of the house everyday to get my 10,000 steps in and the photo feed on my phone is full of flowers.

When we finally buy a house I'm going to plant a forest of flowering trees in our yard (except for the ones with white flowers that smell bad...can't ever remember which tree that is)!

And then it was my BIRTHDAY! I turned 29 on the 26th.

My parents came up to visit last weekend and we had a blast! As the oldest child, it's rare for me to get one:one time with them so it's always special :) The weather was finally warm for a hot second, so we had a great time exploring our neighborhood, eating tons of delicious food, and drinking way too much wine.

My actual birthday was a chilly rainy Tuesday so I took myself on a date and checked out the 3 Arts Club at the new Restoration Hardware flagship store and gallery downtown and oh my gosh it's so gorgeous, I felt like I was inside Elle Decor. I'm going to go there all the time and pretend it's my house! As soon as I publish this blog post I'm actually going back there today to meet my friend Amanda for lunch haha.

Then Ben took me out to dinner at Gather, my favorite restaurant in our neighborhood (get the cured salmon!).

One of my coaches Leslie has the same birthday as me, and she summed it up perfectly: "It may sound vain, but having a day that reminds you of how loved and cared about you are is truly such a gift."

YES! Amen.

I am feeling so incredibly blessed and loved right now, and looking back at posts I wrote just two years ago makes me realize how much can change in such a short period of time.

I'm finding myself and my purpose, and I'm feeling so excited and hopeful about this year. I'm definitely ready to take my twenties out with a bang!

xo Anna


As an independent Beachbody coach, links to products are affiliated with my account and I do receive commission. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in doing a program or have any questions!