fall — Blog — Anna Maria Locke

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Anna Maria Locke


September Favorites

September 2015Anna LockeComment

Oh September. You are so glorious.

I haven’t been blogging as much as I’d like, because I’ve been slowing down and unplugging a little more to PROCESS everything that happened this summer. I’m having this pretty deep inner shift away from the busy/hustle/push/achieve mentality and towards more peace, stillness, and creativity. Trying to get out of my head and into real life, connecting more deeply with old and new friends and myself.

It’s kind of freaking me out on a menta level, because I’m an achiever! I’ve been conditioned to measure my success and self-worth by how much I get done, and how I stack up against the competition.

But I’m realizing more and more and more that that mentality does not serve me. It doesn’t serve my personality.

I’m such a Left Brain/Right Brain combo. An INFJ on the Meyers Briggs, an artistic scientist, if you will. I love numbers, facts, strategy, pushing myself to set big goals and make them happen. But there’s another side that I often ignore, my right brained, creative, intuitive side. I shut her out because she seems too “unrealistic” or “unproductive” or childish. The thought that I can create something just for fun, just for me, without figuring out how to turn it into a profitable business? BAH!

This month I am tapping back into that side though.

I want to honor my energy and respect my creativity. Respect myself. Accept that I’m writing my story day by day, and it’s going to unfold on God’s time, not my time.

I’ve been tentatively exploring lots of self-love and self-care practices and teachers.

(wisdom from Danielle LaPorte)

(wisdom from Danielle LaPorte)

Autumn is a season of transition, of slowing down, of reconnecting with your emotions and spirit.


Earlier this month Ben and I flew to New Hampshire to celebrate the wedding of one of his friends and roommates form Teach For America days. It was our first time officially visiting New England, and an absolutely gorgeous and love filled celebration!

I’ve also been playing around with doing more live webinars. My friend Hannah and I just filmed one this week, sharing our stories of how we turned our Tone It Up Instagram accounts into full time coaching businesses! It was a ton of fun, despite our technical difficulties and rambling :) You can check out the recording here!

And finally, here are some of my favorite ideas, blogs, people, and discoveries this month!

What I’m learning:

Anxiety comes from ignoring and suppressing my creative impulses. It is misplaced creative energy, and I need to channel and use it! (AKA: Expect lots more blog posts and newsletters and creations to come this fall....)

God is guiding me. I may feel overwhelmed sometimes, but he is not. I don’t need to improve or get better - simply tap into the wisdom that’s already inside me.

What I'm looking forward to:

I am excited for another round of Jess Lively’s Life With Intention Online (registration closes TODAY!!). I did this course in February and it kickstarted my whole inner spiritual journey. I didn’t ever really blog about it because it is still so deep and raw and new. I’m still in the beginning stages of transforming and growing and it’s been so incredible to get to know myself on that deeper level, to start to shift my mindset towards joy and fulfillment and living a values-driven life of faith, instead of letting the pressures of the world tear me down and keep me feeling small and overwhelmed.

I also just signed up for Heather Waxman's brand new 28 day meditation guide for releasing creative blocks. My intuition is screaming at me to do more meditation and yoga....which is super hard for me....but I love Heather and think this is going to be perfect! Want to join me? It's only $25, you can sign up HERE!

Fave books I’m reading:

Awaken The Giant WithinWalking In This World (the second installment of The Artist’s Way...which I am going to write a full review on soon!)

Favorite thought leaders and inspiring women to follow:

Gabby Bernstein (check out her YouTube channel), Heather Waxman (follow her on Periscope!), Nisha Moodley.

Fave podcasts:

Awaken RadioThe Lively Show (ever and always).

Fave beverage:

This delicious hard root beer! YUM.

This weekend I’m traveling to Iowa to visit my college bestie Christine and meet her new baby girl. I’m looking forward to getting away and spending time with her, and also stopping to visit my grandma and uncle in the Quad Cities! Re-connecting with my roots and the people who are most important always makes me feel more grounded and centered.

Life is short. Love more, stress less!

xo Anna

p.s. Speaking of creativity + fall.... I've added a few flannel scarves to the Anna Maria Locke shop! They're already selling out, so if you are tempted to make an impulse buy, do itttttt ;)

pumpkin cranberry oatmeal


It's Thanksgiving week! 

Which means I have random seasonal stuff in the kitchen like pumpkin and cranberries. It's also getting colder out, which means I'm back on an oatmeal kick for breakfast. I love adding lots of spice and mix-ins to my oats to make them extra delicious!

This oatmeal combination has been my go-to recently. It's festive but also extremely healthy with fiber, vitamins, and protein, and does a pretty good job of keeping me full for the morning--an impossible feat since I need to eat like every 3 hours no matter how big my breakfast is. Oatmeal tends to have this boring and yucky stereotype that will be smashed to bits with this jam-packed bowl! Did I mention it's also a great way to sneak veggies (pumpkin) into a sweet breakfast? 

*if you have leftover fresh cranberries try making sparkly cranberry muffins!

Pumpkin Cranberry Oatmeal
Serves 1
-1/2 cup dry old fashioned oats (not quick-cook)
-cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice (or pumpkin pie spice)
-1/4 cup fresh or dried cranberries
-1/4 cup canned pumpkin
-maple syrup and milk to top

Bring 1 cup of water and the cranberries to boil on the stove. I used fresh cranberries here but dried (Craisins) would be good too, and not as tart. Add the oats and a generous amount of spices (they will get absorbed by the oats and pumpkin, so don't be afraid of going overboard), turn the heat down to low, and stir. Let the oats cook about 4 minutes, or until almost all the water is absorbed. Add the pumpkin, stir until the oats are done and all liquid is absorbed. Spoon into a bowl, top with crushed walnuts, maple syrup, and milk, and try to finish it all on your own!

where the wild things are

Ben and I stopped in Michigan on our Thanksgiving travels and went for a hike in the woods bordering the lake.
The atmosphere of a cloudy November day combined with forest giving way to seaside (freshwater seaside, anyways) reminded me of the set from Where the Wild Things Are . We didn't see any wild things though, just orange-coated hunters on the prowl for them.
It was nice to see some "big" trees, since the forests in PA are very young due to the logging a century ago.
Since our hike, I have made it back home to Illinois again and am very excited to be on fall break, even though it is already flying by.